Adam Smith Institute

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Doing Right by Venezuelans

With the announcement that DFID will prioritise £6.5m in emergency aid package to treat malnourished children, and provide vaccinations and clean water to the most vulnerable communities affected by the Venezuela crisis, Matt Kilcoyne praises the move by Penny Mordaunt:

"The announcement of £6.5m in emergency aid to Venezuela is exceptionally welcome now that the UK has recognised Guiado as the legitimate president. We at the Adam Smith Institute have been highlighting the plight of those suffering under Maduro's socialism for over a year, and I'm glad to see DFID recognise the plight of those left in the Latin American state.

"Penny Mordaunt is right to prioritize money to the people of Venezuela have felt the full effects of socialism: the hyperinflation that has left millions in poverty, the shortages that have seen families starve, and medicines run out, the thousands that have felt the oppression of state militias when they speak out against Maduro regime. Ultimately aid won't be enough to restore what was once the richest state in the region, that will require the rebuilding of liberal economic institutions. Britain must stand ready to help.

"The government should also keenly praise the work of the Colombian government in keeping their borders open to refugees, to not restricting their right to work, and for ensuring that aid can enter Venezuela free from the corrupt hands of Venezuela's top brass."

For further information or to arrange an interview please contact Matt Kilcoyne on 02072224995, 07904099599 or email