Adam Smith Institute

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ISOS: 24 February 2009


We have set the date for the next Independent Seminar on the Open Society (ISOS), our one-day seminar for sixth-formers. It will run from 10:30am until 4:30pm including breaks and lunch.

ISOS is named after the seminal book: The Open Society and its Enemies, written by the philosopher Sir Karl Popper. It explores the principles and practicalities of an open, free and tolerant society.

ISOS achieves this through a crammed programme of household-name speakers – including politicians from all sides of politics, national media personalities, think-tankers, economists, and business leaders.

Previous speakers have included, George Osborne MP, Andrew Marr, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, John Whittingdale MP, Boris Johnson MP, Andrew Neil, Paul Ormerod and many, many more.

If you are a student or teacher and would like to attend this event, please visit the ISOS section of the website here.